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Workshop Ségou, Mali December 2009

Published on: 15. June 2010
Author: dnnFunc dnnFunc

The workshop was held in Ségou between 14-18th December 2009.

Workshop Ségou, Mali December 2009

 The first day was spend visiting the Millennium Village sites Tiby 1 and 2 .

Back in Ségou the participants got an introduction and practice in how to the use of AKT (Agroecological knowledge Tool). It was agreed that AKT will be the main method used in FUNCiTREE to collect data on farmer’s perceptions about plant traits and functions (WP3).

Photo: G.M.Rusch

AKT will also be a point of departure for the causal network analyses (WP6) and for the collection of core data on adoption/non-adoption of practices (WP2). A common protocol will be developed for the three WPs using the current drafts and the themes identified during the workshop as starting points.

Photo: R.Peltier

