FUNCiTREE has offset 80 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (t/CO2e) emitted by international flights made by NINA, CATIE, IER, ISRA, CIRAD and WUR during the first 18 months of the project by purchasing environmental service certificates issued by the P
The ‘Plan Vivo Certificates’ that have been purchased are from the The Scolel Te Project in México and have been issued in accordance with the Plan Vivo System. Each Certificate represents the reduction or avoidance of one tonne of carbon dioxide (tCO2) plus additional ecosystem and livelihood benefits.
The Scolel Té project is a sustainable land-use project coordinated by AMBIO, a Mexican Cooperative, located in the Chiapas and Oaxaca districts of Mexico. Scolel Te generates Plan Vivo Certificates through community-led forest management (forest conservation activities generating avoided emissions Plan Vivo Certificates), afforestation, reforestation and agroforestry activities.
Read more about Plan Vivo

Publication: A review of the cost-effectiveness and performance of selected Verifiable Emission Reduction (VER) carbon offsets